Produse pentru supermarket glyfadacomment (7)



We design and manufacture successful grocery Groceries are in great demand, as the goods that create the main food stock of every home. Moreover, it is grocery that forms the lifestyle of the modern consumer. Therefore, experienced merchandisers try to arrange these departments in the most attractive way carefully planned, ergonomic, facilitating the choice and access to products, and at the same time conveying the idea and message of the product whether it is environmental friendliness and purity of products, modernity and drive, or home comfort. Such tasks are solved by professional retail equipment for groceries from ZOKKO - roomy large drawers, ergonomic drawers with a movable shelves - racks and stands for displaying packaged products racks, boxes and dispensers for bulk products thematic racks and POS displays original eco-style barrels, dummies and many other variations in concept and style in modern, farm, classic Welcome!
Protecția Coloanelor

Protecția Coloanelor

Effizienter Schutz von Rechteck- und Rundsäulen aus Kunststoff oder im Materialmix aus Kunststoff und Edelstahl Alle Säulenschutzelemente werden nach Kundenwunsch gefertigt und können vorgebohrt inkl. erforderlichem rostfreien Montagematerial geliefert werden.


Dreilagiger Schaumverband, versiegelte Kanten · Bildung eines feuchten Wundmilieus, hohe Aufnahmekapazität und längere Verbandwechselintervalle ohne Mazerationsrisiko · Kein Austreten des aufgenommenen Exsudats bei Sättigung oder Kompression · Gewährleistet einen atraumatischen Verbandwechsel Indikationen PharmasuperFoam eignet sich für den Einsatz bei unterschiedlichen Wundtypen, wie z.B.: · Dekubitalgeschwüre, diabetische Fußgeschwüre, Ulcus Cruris Venosum und Arterielle Geschwüre · Verbrennungen zweiten Grades · Offene chirurgische Wunden, Hautrisse und Schürfwunden Größe: 20 x 20 Artikelnummer: 12897515




We offer glymes In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
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